Wednesday, September 17, 2014

01. Creative Feminine Energy "Allies"

"An Ally is who helps us to reborn."

I'm the fruit that I ate, and the minerals that nourished that fruit. I am also that which will be mineral, that is going to nourish other fruits. That will nourish other men. I'm which will be, the one I was, and the one I will never cease to be. I'm that energy which is changing without ceasing.
The existence is endless. It born, and dies to born again.
The creation was a violent act... Chaotic. So, Why are we going to ask humanity not to be violent and chaotic?
The humans being are very strange creatures, very particular. In the rush to find happiness they cause themselves and those around them a big unhappiness.
They believe that the biggest problem is the violence and hate, but the gravest problem they have is the indifference.
Everyone is looking for that, that the other have and that promises them happiness, at any price.
Lives empty of life, full of a deep void impossible of fill.
She is Azul, she is 17 years old. According to the magazine Estatus she is one of the most famous personalities from the country and is one of the 100 most rich of the young people in the region. Azul is a charismatic pop singer loved by her fans, which are sweet and fresh. Or is this Azul? This tyrant teen who hates everyone and feels hates by the fans. Is Azul this intolerant and unpleasant star? Or is this girl that grow up in the suburbs and used to love sing, but never dreamed to get where she got? Is this arrogant teen or that sweet and dreamer girl?
Azul is this... or this? This or is this, who can't recognize herself in the mirror?
Is this one, who has several eating disorders?
Is this young millionaire who just move to a giant mansion, and who lives alone with an enormous pool, which she doesn't use because she never learn to swim? Who is she?
Is one? Is all of them? Or is she none of them?
Franco have 19 years old and he only knows to do two things: To dance and to steal.And even though he steals to live, he live to dance. He dance, since he was very small. Dace, dance, always dance. but neither of those two passions would be possible without a help, without a partner that courage him: The Fernet. The Fernet is with him all night, all the nights.
The dream of going to the capital and succeed is not only for singers. Franco never left the place where he was born, 200 kilometers from the Capital.
The desire to have a better life give him more courage than the Fernet. Still, the consequences can be severe.
His brother, his father, and his grandfather... All of them in jail. There is a destiny write for each one. Franco has already decided to follow his.
Directly to this destiny.
Maia is 17 years old and has the last name of her mother, Pinedo. Because she never met her father. At least, not on person, only in pictures.
Felix is a recognized Tennis player known all around the world. In the 90's he was one of the top 10 ranking around the world. Natalia, her mom, had the opportunity to met him in a club and seduced him with one only objective. Felix resolve the problem with money, but the money never last forever. When Maia grow up her mother realized that now she could live of her daughter.
Maia lives with her mother in a RV, the only heritage that Natalia didn't squandered. Inside those walls Maia's life is a hell.
Is Maia this abused and humiliated girl? Or is she the abuser and humble?
Is the victim? Or the victimize? Is the puppet? Or the puppeteer? Is the wolf or the lamb?
He is Manuel Ramirez, he is 15 years old. A unique voice, an extraordinary artist. He is an exceptional talent, and everyone would love him... If they will know him.
It is that nobody has ever heard Manuel singing, because he only make it in the privacy of his room. Nobody knows that Manuel has an extraordinary voice. Neither that he had more than 20,000 follower in his favorite social network. Or that he leads the world in a strategy game on the net. Inside the walls of his room, he is the king of the world. Outside of this room, in the real world, he is a sad and frightened teenager. In his bunker he is hyper-connected, he has virtual friends all over the world. They think he is an idol. But real friends, of flesh and bones, he doesn't have.
Everyone get a big surprise, when Manuelito confessed that he was not that smart, that he had a friend who he can only see. Who lived inside the mirror and whispered the answers to him. His mother take him to the psychiatrist.
After many years, Manuel is healed.
He has no friends on the mirror, but neither in the life. Who is Manuelito? Is an extraordinary artist? Or this young victim submissive of school bullying? Is the virtual leader of Internet Games? Or is this boy who thought he had a friend behind the mirror?
Valentin is 12 years old, and is nearly a day he doesn't eat. His mom abandon him in an orphanage just days after birth. Valentin didn't even know he had a older brother. Or why his mom leave him but not his brother. For Valentin the world is divide into two: The rich people, people who have cars and houses, the happy people, who has the life that he is never going to have. And on the other hand, the good people. His hate of people has a reason. When he was 4 years, a couple adopted him, and two months later they returned him.He didn't get along with them, not they with him. And they got rid of him as they do with a burden. Since then he felt a deep hate for people. More if they are adults, and even more if they have money. And he shows it every day.
He also hates Morales, the director of the orphanage, which exploits them. But of course, Morales is also big and rich, so he is bad.
He is Noah, he is 20 years. He is the spoiled son of Elena and Justo Garcia Iturbe, owners of the most important cigarette factory in the country.
Noah will begin studying Economy at the most prestigious and expensive University in the country.
He is very anxious and wants to begin now. At least, that's what he said. It's that Noah is not this British gentlemen that pretends to be in front of his father. Since the 16 years, Noah went out every night of his life. He never used the same shirt twice, nor the same girl twice.
Noah is a predator, he seduce, let her fall in love, uses her, and then leaves her. He has a goal which he is very committed. Had 500 sexual relationships before turn 21, and he make the account with a accountant.
Noah is also famous for the parties he organize. Noah's parties are legendary. They are always thematic. The party of "White or nothing."
The party of "Sunglasses or Nothing." The party of "Underwear or Nothing." And also all his parties are secrets. When Dad arrives...
Of course, Noah only sees the University as a range of possible parties and new young women to meet. Always once, one night never to return to see them again. As always... Or as almost always
Which is Noah? The British gentlemen that pretends to be in front of his father? The playboy that organize parties all night? Who collects dams? Or the insensible and irresponsible that didn't make charge of his son three years ago?
Azul, Manuel, Maia, Valentin, Franco, Noah. Six young very different, but with something in common. Today, the six will die.
Die falling from the top of your own decay, or die in the bottom of the deepest oppression, died victim of another victim. To be the victim of a victimize. Die killing is die twice. Die eating anything until being nothing.
The humanity has survive to this day through itself.
"If you leave two seeds and return later, what will you find?"
"A vigorous growing plant?"
"Yes, very well. And if you leave two animals, male and female, and then return, what will you find?"
"Puppies, of that species."
"Life. If you leave two humans together, and one month later you return. What are you going to find?"
"I don't know. Tell me."
"One. Or maybe any. That's the human nature. They are bad, ruthless, suicide. Since the beginning the human project fail. We fail. The Creation fail."
"That's a contradiction in itself. I said, because everything created is perfect. Perfect in it's imperfection."
"The imperfection of humans goes more of the limits. We have to accept it. The humanity is over. There is not possibility, and this six that you choose prove it."
"No, no, no. Because is just choose this six, at this six lose lives without hope because I know that I can change them. Humanity will hope."
"And who are you going to do it?"
"Whit the help of Allies."
An Ally is that who came to save us, including from ourselves. Is that one that reflects us, return to us an image of the other side of the mirror. Even if we don't like.
An Ally is that one who give us breath. An Ally is that one who comes to get us out of the pit. An Ally is who saves us from sinking. An Ally is someone that is no us, but who wants the same as us.
An Ally is who helps us to reborn.
it's an Angel, a partner, a companion, a protector, a friend, a redeemer, or a love.
All of this and much more, is an Ally.

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