Wednesday, November 26, 2014

21. Who is the enemy?~   Noah & Ambar.


"...the only thing between their desires and them, were themselves."


There's something curious about fear: His most intensity is not before or during  the attack, it's after. The fear sweeps all your securities and there's only doubt, there's an only shelter: Love.

When the enemy has no face, it can hide  everywhere. When you don't know who to trust, you know who can't be trusted, everyone.
Know the people by their actions is more or less easy. But know them by their intentions  is almost impossible. The intentions are hide behind the words, gestures, actions.. For that reason is difficult to know the enemy, because it intentions are difficult  to see.
What makes the enemy so dangerous and powerful  is all that we don't know about him. Someone that wants to help us in secret is an ally. But who have intentions of destroy us, is an enemy. The paranoia is a way to avoid mistakes. Distrust everything is always the best way  not to be foolish. The isolation is the price. There's nothing more terrified than an inner enemy. To recognize an enemy first you need to finish with all his allies, denial, and silence. 

The first that  distrust no doubt, has certain. Doubt is a way to trust. Distrusts is useful, it preserves us from dark enemies. Trust, it's funnier. Distrusts the one you love, its more tragic than trust on an enemy overlapped. The paranoid distrusts everyone. The wise trust in his intuition.  Who is the enemy,? It's who sentences to silence and loneliness.


Each week I write my bitacora with anguish and frustration. It wasn't , but today we can say they had transformed. What made this transformation?  Understand that the only thing between their desires and them, were themselves. They were their own inner enemy or the secrets of destroy. 
The enemy lost all its power the day, which besides being they allies, we also become friends, heal that wound that breaks them in two and turns them into one integral material being, that was our mission. Today, they are integral material beings and strong, prepared to give others battles. Not with themselves, but with others enemies. Those who stalk the strong souls.   

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