Sunday, May 17, 2015

The man of a thousand faces

Nico accomplishes Cielo's dreams and transforms the institution into "Hogar Mágico" (where the new characters arrive: Tefi, Luca, Nacho, Caridad, Simón, Valeria and Melody), a place where constant changes, rebellions, learning, colliding passions, mistakes, achievements, frustrations, insecurities and happiness surge. Everything will be full of music, dance, songs and contests but there is a mystery surrounding everyone that has to do with the secrets the portal, a huge clock located in Cielo and Nico's room, is hiding, and the relationship that everybody, kids, teenagers and grown-ups, have with it. The problem is Juan Cruz is trying to harm them all. This portal has chosen every single one of them and they all have a mission. Discovering this mission will be the meaning of their trip, (Thiago, Marianella, Tacho, Jazmín, Rama, Lleca, Valeria, Tefi, Luca, Melody, Simón, Nacho, Caridad and Justina; they are the guardians of Eudamón).

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