Sunday, June 21, 2015

family portraits


Maybe my way of being with the kids isn't the best of all, isn't healthy or institutional, what happens is that for us this isn't a institution, this when for a lot on the past, they suffered, and I don't want them to continue suffering, I want them to have a good time, this is a price that Cielo and I wanted to give them, you don't understand, this isn't an institution, this is a family, strange, atypical but a family. This isn't an institution, this is a home, it's their house. Feli isn't the watchman, she is like an aunt. Rosarito, she isn't the social assistant, she is like the grandma, all small. Malvina is not just my ex, sometimes she is an other kid, but that's ok, because she try, it's difficult but... She is like an old sister. And the kids, they are not inmates in a institution, they are kids, rebels, but they are kids, are we going to judge them for that? And me, I'm not the director of the institution, I'm like a father, a older brother, and even if you don't like it I'm that, I play with them, I have a great time with them, I'm not here to make them follow a path, I'm here to teach them. And like in all families, sometimes the siblings fight, discussed, but nothing more than that, well, it can even be a black sheep between them, but what? Are we going to separate because of that? No, here we integrate him. And Cielo, even she isn't physically here, she wasn't the director of this place, she was more than that, she was the sister of the kids, she was the light of this place. Let's see if you understand me, I don't know anything about institutions, but I know what a family is, and this is My Family, this is our family.

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