Sunday, August 9, 2015

Romantic Comedy

31. Romantic Comedy:


"Romantic comedy,
We are going to start talking about the basics characteristics of the genre. A gold rule of a romantic comedy is that the principal protagonists have to be opposed characters, antagonist, very different. This assure us that the day this two protagonists know each other they are going to hate each other and this is fundamental. During this history this characters are going to live encounter situations and situations of disagreements, more basically situations of disagreements. Everything is going to show that the love between this two characters is practically impossible and to accomplish this we used classic resources, like for example, create equivocal situations, confusing situations, misunderstandings. In counterpart appears a second fundamental element: the magic factor. In determined factor they are going to be magic situations that are going to show up that the love between this character should get to an encounter. And then the third element: love, shows up. 
They are spicy loves, they are soft loves, and they are loves that it is better not to try, they are love of opposite worlds, like the love of the rich and the poor... Classic. Loves that seems impossible, unreachable loves. But you have to know  that when I say "No" I'm actually saying "Not for now"... And when I'm saying "not for now" I'm saying "Yes". It's just matter of time, yes? The lover that waits, and waits, and waits, and waits, and the only thing that does it is to wait. Then are the secret lovers, like for example, Clarck Kent and Luisa Lane. 
And it feels like it is a unrequited love, and well... Love. But all of this types of love have a common factor, that is: The Bravery. And there's were the essence of the the romantic comedy lies... In the bravery that their protagonists have to deal the adversities fearlessly, only for love. And to conclude, the love between this two characters should be specify at the end of the story. You can think or you can tell me, well the romantic comedy it is a bit fantasy, but don't you tell me if that's the way how we live the life when you are in love... That's what I think"

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