Thursday, February 11, 2016

A midsummer night´s dream

Aleli: What is "A midsummer night´s dream about"?

Cristobal: It´s about a gnome that makes a love potion, he trow it to the eyes of a group of guys and each one of them fall in love with the girlfriend of the others.

Oberon, the king of the fairies, had fought with his wife, the queen Titania, so he ask Pac, a troublemaker gnome, to make him a potion so he can conquer her again. That potion, whent hey put it on the eyes of Tatania will make her fall in love of the first man she sees when she wakes up.
The spell of the fairy, made them very confused and unespected attractions appear. No one could believe what was happening. The spell was so powerful that the young ladies start seen in a different way to men they have never seen in that way. And Pac understood that the princess, despite to love another, under the effects of the potion could forget him and fall in love with someone else.

Monito: But that story is just a fantasy.

Cristobal: It´s just a methaphor of the teens love.

Monito: That only happens in the stories!

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