Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Eagle eye


Luca I have a question to make you, when they took Franca she said something about the wagle eye, what´s that?


It´s a very special tecnique. The eagle eye have a very sophisticated system, it can have a panoramic view of everything and at the same time to focus on some element that is more than 100 meters away. That´s what I made, I knew everything that was happening around me but at the same time was staring at the sniper of Charly.


The application it´s really goos but physically impossible.


It requires of a special training, it´s a gift of Juan Cruz.


So you want to tell me that Juan Cruz...


Yes, he sees everything, see the general, the particular, the landscape and the detail.


One minute, one minute please. Today, we all came to see a musical competition, no? A party, this ended up turning into a fight in a box ring, if we teach our kids that being first it´s to win, and being second to lose,  we are encouraging dirty war, the lowest insticts... So today, they took a decision, Luca come up please, Vale and Cari up too please. Today we are going to give you an amazing show, the rockland and the Teen Angels are going to dance together for all of you, with their friends, Vale, Luca and Cari, one big applause for them, lets go.


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