Wednesday, September 24, 2014

03. Inti "Noah's Ark"

"Help is discover what the other really needs and no what you think it need."

I born and lived in the fire side of the planet Upsilon Andromedae B. I didn't know the water, I was afraid of it like everything you unknown. I am energy that cure, that's how I got to my host, healing him for mortal wound. With Matias Arce, my host, we have a soul pact, he lend me his body during the time of the mission, and I return to him a healed body.  Because that's what I do best, heal.

When I arrived to the earth never thought I was going to get sick. He is Franco, my mission is to heal a wound very, very deep. How to heal someone who doesn't want to be heal? How help someone that believes that help is a sign of weakness?

Never in all my existence  thought I was going to get to a place like this, the symptoms of the cold became insupportable so I had to accept some help, even when that help comes from a strange artificial sun machine. In that moment I understood Ian's words, they are going to accept the help only when they really need it. In any moment the strongest castle crumble, is there, when the floor breaks when the prince will ask for help. It's not satiety what makes you change, is the weariness of satiety. It's not after or before, it is in the right moment.
It's there when the water is coming to the neck when the effect of anesthesia pass and you feel the pain masked,is there when the anger turns into anguish, and the anguish is a request of help.
Not before, not after, it is in the right moment when escape from the trap of loneliness is safer that stay in it. Not before or after, in the moment when the world falls on you is when you are going to ask for help.
You can't throw a lifeguard to someone that doesn't know that is drowning.

When the deluge continues and the water covers everything is when humans claims their place in the ark. We came to this world to help, but before that we had to learn the concept of help. What is help? Help is discover what the other really needs and no what you think it need.
Help is help that ark that saves the other of the wreck. Help, is be the place to preserve the best of the species.

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