Wednesday, October 22, 2014

11. Noah & Venecia "Too much love"

"Is difficult to end with an addiction because we don't see them as a problem..."


I am the only child of the sole owner of the largest tobacco company in the region, is all about the snuff, snuff has over 4000 toxic substances and more than 600 additives, with one goal, get you addicted, between more addicts, dad becomes richer, as simple as that. It is all about snuff and addictions, I know exactly what an addiction is and no, mine is not an addiction to sex, mine is something else.

You have to understand the logic of addiction, the addict believes his withdrawal ends with consuming the substance to which he is addicted, but in truth, by the time they finish  that cigarette begins to generate abstinence, set to grow until it becomes unbearable, this is the logic of addiction, the balm to calm your withdrawal is what you really are generating more abstinence.

There's not only addicts to alcohol or snuff, there's workaholic, addicted to food, or addicted to hunger, addicted to solitude, or to anxiety. Addicts to another person, and addicts to their own ego. There are very strange addictions, for example: the addiction to adrenaline experienced by some criminals, there are many forms of addiction and we are all addicted to something, it is important not to be misled and understand the real addiction behind addiction, I for example am not sex addicted, or women, I'm addicted to revenge.

At the beginning is like a whisper, then like an itching, and at the end, it's like a scream. The monster woke up again, and is hungry.

 Is difficult to end with an addiction because we don't see them as a problem, we see it as a solution. To snuff, alcohol, food, a bad relationship, to adrenaline, or to abuse... It doesn't matter what kind of addiction we have, all of them guarantee something: for a moment, we are not going to feel the pain that we carry always as a cross.

We believe the addiction is stronger than the will. But actually the addict have willpower. It have the will of stop the deep pain on our souls, the violent is not addicted to violence, it's addicted to that adrenaline that for a moment masks the pain. Why does a person hurts over and over again to another? Because he can. Because the other allows it. In the 60's hardly anyone knew that smoking is bad. In the actually anyone ignores it. What brings to someone to make something he know is bad for him? The addict to the game knows that the Casino is the one that always win, if he know he is going to lost. Did someone believes that a player plays to win?

The addict really know what he loses, but he and only he knows what he earn, such a strong emotion that leaves you stunned, numb. 

All the addicts have something in common: All of us have too much pain.


Noah is an expert on addictions, son of the owner of a tobacco company, he knows a lot of that. Today Noah teach me something; all the addicts have something in common: too much pain. But I know where there's too much pain there is also too much love.

Too much love can drown, can override, loving too much or being too loved can be as dangerous as not love or be loved, but always where there is pain, there is love, too much love and it hurts, I now understand my mistake, I had focused on the addition of Noah and I could not see his pain.

When a human suffer, we don't have to ask him "what hurts?" We have to ask him "who hurts?" because behind a great pain there is always a great love.

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