Sunday, February 22, 2015

01. "Aislados"- Noah

"A new Noah think about his transformation and love from Venecia, meanwhile, on the depths of the earth, the light beings remain imprisoned, separated, and isolated."

I never care about anyone else, I had never cry or felt sorrow or pity. I had never loved anyone, I was the only protagonist of my life, the others were just extras. And never greeted anyone, or remember their names, not answering the phone or mails. I lived in an island, my island, and I was the king. 
Until she arrived and started to built bridges. 

She is the end of my pain. She is the life caring life. She was love and my ally. She created the ties who took me to my isolation. They gave us love without asking anything in return. And loving us that way they teach us to love. They teach us that friendship means love. They were the mirror that reflects our best face, the real. 

They forgive us again and again. And each time we fail, they gave us another opportunity. They gave us the only place on the raft, the last plate of food, the only coat to protects us from the cold. They give us everything and ask for nothing. They gave their life so we can find a meaning to ours. They came to a dark world, only to enlighten us. They came only to take us out of the abyss. 

Now it's the moment to be the allies of our allies. Now we have to liberate them, because without them we are complete isolated.

But of course get to this place wasn't anything easy. The day they took Venecia I ran for help. 
We learned it was a coordinated attack, something planned. But which was their plan? Everything was bewildered, we just started to understand a little bit more, when almost after two months of confinement Maia was able to escaped. There were no more doubts, this was a perfect synchronized plan. Since the beginning the plan was to capture and isolate the six light beings and they succeed.

It was true, we didn't know were they where, they have them isolated, but the bridge that connects us was still intact. A relationship is true when we change. When you have an ally you know there's no way to get isolated. Two allies is much more than the sum of their parts. They friend that we most love is the one that knows all our miseries and still love us despite them. An ally doesn't live in our memories, not in our hearts, it lives in our souls, it's our soul. There's a biggest privileges than being love, to love. That's what she gave me. So, I owe it to her. I was a man who couldn't love, now I can live without love. 

They crossed the universe and they plunged into the abyss, they crossed the hell only to save us, even from ourselves. They cry our pains, and heal our wounds. Woke up our souls, from inside. And they came to told us that the whole universe fits into a hug. 
The plan was easy, first we need to find where they have them. 

A year ago this picture should have been impossible. Manuel and Maia working together to hack a network, another impossible picture. There are meetings, redemptions or forgiveness, that a year ago where unthinkable. Thanks to them we start to heal. 
Looking for them we are following the path they opened. We are actually finding ourselves. 

I miss Venecia, the way she smells, her smile, her desire to stand me in front of the problems, her lips, her love. Today, we can recognized in them. Azul is Luz and Luz is Azul. Without them we are not ourselves, with them we find courage to look in the mirror, we are encourage to lost the fear. They isolated our loneliness, our pain. They teach us to see the life inside inside the life. We are he sakes but at the same time we are different. 

An ally always brings a message, we already had the message. Now we need to interpret it. 
We already know the most important to advance. Here we go. There's not coming back, we know where they are and we are going that way. To rescue them. They could have them lock, separate, frightens, and confuse. But you are not isolated if there's someone thinking about you. Because an ally is the opposite of being isolated. An ally is the one that goes to the end of the world and beyond to recue you. 

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