Wednesday, February 25, 2015

02. SuperPowers- Manuel

When I was a kid I used to believe I was useless, with time I convinced myself. Today I don't have doubts, I'm not good for anything. 

Can or cannot, that's what everything is about, and I always believe I can't. Until someone else that trust more in yourself than yourself and told you "You can, you have superpowers" and it makes you doubt.

Azul have the ability to be notice and sometimes that's a gift. That's not actually a power, but if you use it right for a noble cause is a GIFT. 

Knowledge and power are not synonymous, but they could. Because if you know how to do it you can do it. But to do it it's not enought to know, we must. The good thing about necessity is that it can become us very powerful. There's a paper that sweep with all the "I can't," discipline. The discipline is the art of dominate any art. 

The discipline, constancy, and the effort is faith that the impossible can be possible. 

Is true that some people born with a innate gift or with natural resource to do something, but all ability requires effort, dedication, and a lot of practice.

Generally you can do almost everything if you life depends on it. Because when your life is on game you don't ask if you can or not, you just do whatever you need to do.

Might, largely depends on wanting to do it, having the desire to archive.

They say, there's people that's being able to lift a car with one hand to save the lives of the loved one. Or people that cross a river swimming. Somes get cured of incurable diseases. Others survived to concentration camps by the memory of their affects. History is full of prodigal, miracles. In all of this prodigious, what becomes them superpowers, is always the love. Love gives you the impulse to run, to open doors, to run together. Now anyone is asking if they can or not, we are, simple doing it. 

It doesn't matter if it's to save a life, reach that small dream, or get a date with the girl that you like. When something really matters, the desire turns you super powerful. 

The desire impulse you. The desire take you out of the inertia. Wake you up, empowers you. The impossible is often what you never tried.

What's makes Superman so powerful is not the ability to fly, but how powerful his enemies are. The measure of a skill is to the difficults it faces. 

The best of discovering your power is that you stop complaining, why did you want to have superpowers if there's any difficulties to face. No?

If you do it once you can do it twice, once you discover what you're capable to, the only limit is the sky. 

When you learn to trust in yourself, in your abilities, when you discover that you can, all your doubts, and fears disappear. You don't stop to think if you can or not, you just do it. 

Superheroes don't ask if they can fly, become invisible, or lift a truck, they just do it. They don't expect not to be afraid, they just do it, although with fear.

Once you discover your power and how it works, the only thing you need to worry about is your weakness. 

All superheroes have it Kriptonita, what makes it vulnerable. Know you weakness, is more useful than knowing your superpowers. I remember you that even the most powerful has something against what can't fight. 

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