Sunday, March 15, 2015

07. "Mother, Father, Tutor, or Attendant"- Valentin 

Godparents, it's something I never had. Actually, I never had anything. Godparents, or mother, or father, tutor, or attendant. At the beginning when you born you are someone's child.

Your name is important because it told you how you are, but your last name too because it told you where you came from.

You name, last name, of who you are son, how is your sibling, or father of who you are, it's important because it told you who you are. The day you leave they can say who you were.

When you don't have a last name you becoming invisible and mute, you can't say who you are and no one name you. 

When a child seeks to be recognized by a father, everyone thinks he's behind the money, and can be, because you need to feel that you are worth something.

Baptism it's like if they give you the membership to a club, they welcome you, without that you feel like you are rendered everywhere, you feel strained on your own life. It's like a country, without history, there's no country. 

Having a name but no last name, it's a corner with a street. If you don't know the two streets you are lost. A last name is an exact direction, it tells you "Welcome, this one is you and your history. I'm still a corner of one street.

When you are the son of someone, grandson, or nephew of someone, you are never going to be a lone and that's a party.

You can change everything on your life, your appearance, your hair color, even your last name. But there are things never change, and that, it's your identity. 

It's like an actor that believes the character, it told you "you are a poor kid that is worth less than rubbish" or "you are  millionaire" and you believe it.  It's that identity?

Identity is the sum of who touch you be and who you are going to be. A mixture of what you want to show and what you really are. That's identity.

Identity, it's what hurt to all of us that don't have a last name. 

Your identity, it's all what you are, but also, all that you aren't. It's the family you have, and the one you don't, what miss you. You are also that.

The identity, it's not about having, it's about knowledge, know whatever you have to know.

Lying about where you came from it's like not having name, or last name, it's like you are anyone, you don't exist. 

 Identity is also someone that's wants you to exist, to be in their life. 

Identity it's that at the end they can out your name on your grave and say who you are. 

The lie, the silence about your identity, it takes you to the most difficult question to answer "Who am i?" Or the saddest "Who loves me?"

True, takes you to freedom. You are no alone, now you have a sibling, mother, father, tutor, attendant, I'm not anymore a corner of one street. Now I have a name and last name: now I am Manuel Uriarte.

The most important of identity it's that the others can recognize you, who you are and who you are not. 

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