Tuesday, March 24, 2015

11. "Cupid blindness"- Fermin

In the moment more cruel, more hopeless winter, there's always a shelter. When life turns into a constant threat, a dark night, there's always a lighthouse. When everything turns into nonsense, there's always a reason to continue. When all the lands are dried and there's no luxuries, no trips, no imported cars, when there's no exoticism to sweeten the insipid life, even there there's something that have value.

The war that seems so far, it’s here. It's not that we are close; we are on it, on the heart of the war. The War of Gods, a war that goes further of lands, money or power: It’s their souls what is on game. 

When everything smells farewell and it looks like the only thing left is a sunset, there's only one place we like to be. That's what the couples who are found dead tell us, melted under a hug under the rubble of a collapsed: The only thing we leave and left on this world, is love. 

But what's that, which we called love and each time we want to learn more slips like sand between your toes? What kind of language is loving which, even speaking the same language, it's so hard to understand? Powerful God is love: With a simple shot of his arrow, makes the kid a men and its whim, an illusion. 

Love is not another item on your list to be happy, but how you take care of what makes you happy. On the path of love, the first step is self-love. Only the one's that love themselves are invited to the Feast Of Love. And full of love for you, in love, we go on the search of some to love more than ourselves. 

Love is about giving, give everything, to whether, above all, thanks. It’s because the look of love can be seen love, who loves looks the beloved as if he wants to fill from the other, and with that sensation, that anyone else than he sees what he sees, love its beauty that excited. 

They say love is blind, for that to love, to kiss, we have to close our eyes. They say the whole universe fits into a hug, and its truth. Love is a hug; it's the meeting of two worlds. Love it's that first kiss no one teach you to give. 

We spent a lot of time asking if what we feel is love, its simple: if what you want it's to change the other, it is not, if what you want it's to change for the other, it is. You'll know that is love when each kiss is a re-encounter, because love in definitely it's that: it's the re-encounter between Heaven and Earth. Love isn't blind, we are the blinds, It, love, see, clearly see. And love sees what we don't, and it turns certain. It’s making from the soft of the resignation, perseverance, and determination, courage, and valor. It's making of passion and fire, also of pain and impossibility. It’s making of opposites and complicity, surprise, claim, but especially, love it's make of innocence.

No, love is not blind. Love loves, precisely who needs love, the one that is going to transform our lives. The love is not blind but it blind us, because once we meet, that love it's the only that can makes us feel alive: It gives us courage but the idea of losing it gives us despair. 

Love includes the cruelty of have to let go. Love, sometimes, it's an illusion doomed to disappointment, there you are going to meet the lover, because the blind love, the one that hurts, becomes the air we breathe. 

Looking behind all destruction and you are going to find a man, a man sick of love.

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