Wednesday, July 8, 2015

baptism of fire


Did they laughed at you or did they laughed with you? If you do not fit here, I am going to explain you something, if you did not fit here anyone would pay attention to you. We can say they make with you something... something like a baptism, Do you see how we are going to baptist Esperanza (Hope) tomorrow? Well, that is what they made with you, you were baptized. The baptism is like a welcome, yes, that is it. 
The girls grow up faster than the boy, that's what they say, and sometimes is like that, the boys are going thorough the awkward stage. And Dear Cari, the awkward stage is for that, not taking things so seriously, there's always going to be time for that, i promise you. 
And I now its hard to grow up, it hurts, it hurts a lot, but you need to put the chest to the bullets.

This beautiful stage where you are, it's just a beginning, and you just need a push to see who you are, and who you are going to be. There are just baptism of fire, just that

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