Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Oak Chair

32. Oak chair:


They say time it's the most powerful force, more than love, at least that is what they say. Love dies, the time don't,  the time endures and change everything on its ways, it change us, want it or not.  We believe that we can manage time, we are talking about winning or lose time, let the time go through, but the time goes by, without asking. 

They say that we believe time can fix it everything: with time they are going to love you, with time you are going to forgot, but they also say that the time don't fix anything, that the time sweeps, and what times breaks it don't fix, they say. 

They say the time it is the most powerful force, archaeologists struggle against it, we try to rescue objects, histories, and we try to save them of the time, but time advance, advance and advance... Time is not bad or good, destroys some things, it turns better to others, like a good wine, and they are some things that stand the pass of time, like this oak chair, the time passes and the oak is still intact, like the noble sentiments, that whatever happens don't die through the time. Because time passes and forgets about me, about you, but it can no forgot the love.

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