Sunday, September 6, 2015

Justina Garcia

Justina is the housekeeper of Inchausti Mansion since the times of Amalia and Aldo Esteban. It’s a woman with different contrast : she can be cruel but at the same time sweet and sensible.

First Season:

Justina was Alba best friend, the cooker, when the Inchausti were alive. She was in secret in love with Carlos Maria, son and heir of the Inchausti couple. One day Alba confess her that Carlos Maria and her wiere going to have a baby, Justina feel betrayed and his affect turn into hate. When Alba return years later, widow and sick, Justina was the one that attended the birth of her second girl, Luz, and was with her when she died. And then she helps Barto to get rid of the baby and the sister Angeles, so he could keep the inheritance. She helps to get rid of Angeles, but she felt remorse and in secret she keep the baby, Luz. She hide her in the basement of the mansion, where is a play room, she told her that she is her mother and treat her like a daughter. 
But when she is not in the basement she is other. She turns into the housekeeper of the BB foundation, she helps Barto with the exploitation of the children in her charge, she is in charge of punishing the children. When the new maid arrive to the mansion, and it ended being Angeles, she helps Barto keeping her watch and they plan to get rid of her. She is in love of Barto, and usually she can hide her feeling so she can fill her obligations. But when they are together in the fantasy island she cannot hide them anymore.
Lleca and Cielo discover Luz, and then they take her out of the basement, but Justina never change with the kids, she try to deny to Cielo that Luz is her sister. She pretend her own death so she can escape from the justice.

Second Season:

With the hope to return to her daughter, Justina decide to work for CC, and she pretend to be her cousin Felicitas Garcia.
Feli discover her and tell her that if she is going to stray she should try to feel the love that is in the house. After a while she start to change and act like Felicitas, then she is discover by Cielo and Malvina. Cielo realized that she is actually changing and let her stay at the mansion with Feli´s approbation, but Malvina and Nico don’t think the same. 
At the end of this year, she is absorve by the clock on the mansion, samer as the rest of the kids, she is the one in charge to open the book with the keys.    

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