Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What are we?


The curl returns. For more that you try to avoid, when you love... love. Before for me love was a whim, it was to love someone without worry about anything, doing whatever it takes to have it... Know I understand that love goes in other direction. Love is strange sometimes, so unexplecable, it borns suddenly, and goes on and on, what does the love wants? be reciprocate, that´s what it want. Can you be happy watching the person you love in love with someone else? Can you love without being selfish?
I think I start to understand love when I stop being selfish,  when I started doing the things without expecting anything in return, when for example I do things like this.
Love makes good, but soemtimes it´s not enough, you need something else, you need answers.
What are we? What are we? That is the million dollar question.
We worry a lot about what are we, does it really matter what we are? Or, it matters what we feel and the love we have for the other? We can be someones ex, but it doesn´t mean that our love its an ex. My boyfriend, mi ex... are just words. Words aren´t important. what really matters it´s other thing, that it´s what matters, the feeling, , whatever name you name it or not, it´s the only that have sense. It doesn´t matter what we are, what it really matters is what we feel and what we do. I don´tknow what we are... but how we love. 

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