Monday, February 8, 2016

The hearty laugh

Laughter yoga Specialist:

Welcome to the laughter yoga course, you think you know how to laugh. Well, let me tell you that you don´t. Here we are going learn to laugh. We are going to see the powers of the laugh and it´s therapeutic values.
Well, I want you to listen me carefully. If you do, I assure you are going to leave this building laughing like craziest.
The laugh it´s positive, it generates pleasure to ourselves and the ones around us, it´s liberating. For example, if we breath deep and then let go.
What happened? What happened to me? What do you saw? The diaphragm makes the movement in my body, and then let go.
I breathe a lot, my organs relax, and they were absolutely relaxed… But what´s better, actually, we need to lay down for the hearty laugh.

What it really matters it´s to lay down, in the floor, it´s better why? Because the body it´s better to prepare to relax and tense in the moment of the laugh.
There´s people that can´t hesitate the hearty laugh... Stand up, no, it´s complicated. We commit when we do this excercise, deep breath, I´m still laughing, it doesn´t matter, we are going to commit the chest, the belly, the back and the butt.

Now we are going to do some excersice in pairs... By two.

Do you knew that is prove that when two people laugh together they can say more than a thousand words? Did you knew?

That´s the idea, to laugh about your own defects, laugh it's healty.

We are going to talk about the laugh, it´s a great terapy the laugh, but today we are going to talk about one specifically: The hearty laugh.
It´s prove scientifically that the laugh have healing powers; it can generate chemical changes in the body, increase the inmune system, the central and peripherial systems are placed in activity and it activates some areas of the brain that are asleep.
It is prove that the hearty laugh, the loud laugh, have the capacity to recover the health of our patients, it can heal, release tension, relax us, and help us to express better.
A laugh in the right time can take the drama out of life. When we grow up and we lost the capacity of laugh, we smile least and that takes us away from the others, but if someone smile to us, and we return the smile, that smile bring us to something.
The kids for example, laugh 300 times a day, however adults, laugh 15 tiemes a dayat most.The thing is to laugh with others not about the others, laughter brings out the worst of all.
It is prove that the people that laugh together, feels closer.
We don´t need something funny to read about, the hearty laugh it´s contagious, we can´t forget to laugh, we need to remember the kids hearty laugh, that laugh, can save us...

The laugh produce energetic vibes, the hearty laugh, for example the laugh of a baby, and you know that the portals vibe at different frequences. 

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