Sunday, March 1, 2015

03. "The president's son"- Maia

From Dad, everything is from Dad, it doesn't matter who you are it matters son of who you are. The son of Dad do and say whatever he wants because, because then dad come and pays the piper. 

Life is a gamble and very few cattle numbers, sure you are going to lose unless you are a prince or the president's son. 

If there were a stork, I will make a stork stew because she is to blame for everything. It depends where it leaves you, your life is going to be good or a hell. 

But if you're not the daughter of king there's another way to be a princess... Get marry with a prince. 

In life anything is real, everything is virtual, it depends the drees that you wear to the kind of party you can enter. 

Everything depends on what piece of the chess you have to play, if you have to be queen or if you have to be pawn, your life I'd going to be really different. 

The dreams and desires are tricks so you can feel like a princess for a while, and you can forget that you are Cinderella. But sooner or later it's midnight and the drees turns into rags. 

We are all the painter's drawing, someone decides what place are we going to occupy on the painting. 

In life there's two kind of people, actors and viewers, to one happens all good, the other, we just look. 

Freedom is the illusion where no one makes what it wants, neither what it can. We all do what others want. 

I'm sick that someone else carry the glances, love is for others, happiness is for other. 

The world is from the others. But no, that it's there and it seems to fingertips we will never have it. 

The privileged, the chosen, never lose. 

Are you tired of being a spectator? Go and be the protagonist. You want something? Fight for that. You are not the house where you born, you are the house where you build it. You are not the parents that you have, you are the allies that you choose. Break that mirror that reflects the same image of you, choose to be another, being able to choose that is more than a privilege. You are not your destiny, you are the path that you open. Even the president's son suffer, fears, and needs the same as you. There's no privileged, there's privileges. And we all have access to the privilege of love. 

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