Sunday, March 8, 2015

05. "unconscious"- Azul

We are afraid of the unknown, changes, the things that changes the life. But actually, the worst tragedy in life is those things that repeat over and over.

How many timer are we going to repeat the same? When someone is exposed to a danger again and again, we say it's an unconscious. But, unconscious of what? 

We like to listen to our favorite music, or eat the food we like, we repeat what we like. But for some reason we also repeat the things that makes us bad. 

We're sleep, living from memories, living the same day after day. Like a broken record. Until one day someone or something changes our perspective. Domes believe that not being conscious is a way of travel light. The conscious is a way of responsibility. 

Without knowing we created the conditions so the thing that make us bad can happens again. But, for what? 

When you are a kid you are not conscious of the dangers you are exposed. 

That's the difference between kids and grownup, the unconscious of the danger. When you are a grownup you are thT responsible to fall in the same tramp over and over. 

The unconscious is not what we can't see, it's what we want to see. There's something all the human beings have in common, we all have something we don't want to see. 

The unconscious it's like a conditioner, being conscious, being awake it's a very complex homework. Being awake it's  exhausting, that's the reason we always get comfort on the warm and comfortable unconsciousness.

Sometimes we are so sleep that if someone came and told us "Hey, you are making the same mistake again" we will think he's crazy. The secret of unconscious is not to see the evident. And there I'm again, fighting a fight that is not mine. 

What will it happen if you wake up? What will happen? 

That powerful force that make us repeat again and again the thing that hurt us, something wants. But what? 

Our unconscious is a dark cave, lightning sometimes by a sparkle, our fears. For all of that we don't want to face. 

Wake up is to open the eyes to the abyss that can be the life, for that reason we all preferre to lock that truth in the most hermetic unconscious. But despite the great effort we do so we don't woke up sometimes the life don't give us escape. Sometimes life lock us on a death end, and don't gave us more choice than open the eyes. That's it, life woke you up with a slap. And that happens, sometimes it occurs. And now, what are you going to do?

We know how to lead with frivolty lie, but almost anyone is willing to face the cruelty of truth. For that reason almost always, the first reaction is to run, escape from the truth. 

Maybe we are scare of wake up because the awake can be violent. Maybe the fear its to freedom that repressed and trampled being during so long. 

Maybe we want to keep sleep the one that suffers on silence, at any price. Suddenly, you find yourself on the same scene, making the same as always and asking yourself "How did I get here? How?" Trying not to wake up. 

Life is going to give you choices to wake up, to continue unconscious. Now it's your responsibility which one you choice. 

Wake up it's not pleasant, or fun, or happy. It's just real. It's not easy being conscious, and anyone can assure you can handle it. Wake up is raw, hard, chaotic. The true awake, it's woke up after a nightmare. With a scream, agitated, and with the firm decision of getting out of that tortuous world. It's not easy, it's hard, distressing, and frightening, and it's full with fake decisions, and with that decision you are alone. 

Only one thing is sure with the awake, there's no return. 

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